How to setup a web server by yourself

3 Oct

This small tutorial will guide you through building your own “web server”. It is 2.30am but thought of sharing this with you as I would probably forget this in few hours 😀

<<how to get a host name for dynamic IP owners using dyndns–will be added later, in the mean time you can try this out by your self though, damn easy hehe >>


XAMPP comes with Apache, mySQL, PHP and many more built in, so you don’t need to worry about the boring installation and configuration.

For this I’m using a Prolink Hurricane 5201 router.

Assuming that you have installed XAMPP, let’s start by adding a port forward in our router

But before that fireup command prompt and enter


Write down the IPV4 address on a paper

I open the router configuration page by entering in the browser.

Then goto Firewall->Port Forwarding and add the following settings + the IP address that you got earlier

Ok, then goto Advance->DDNS and add your dyndns account credentials

Note: remember to “save” on each router configuration step. This button comes at the bottom left whenever we make a change.

That’s it! We did it!

Now edit your httpd.conf which is located at C:\xampp\apache\conf and modify the following lines


DocumentRoot “C:/xampp/htdocs/YourDir”
DocumentRoot “C:/xampp/htdocs/YourDir”

AllowOverride All  (This comes about 20 lines below the above line)

Now restart the apache daemon using Xampp control panel.
Test this by going to a proxy server like and entering I was unable to load this without a proxy.. Wonder why…
Good luck

One Response to “How to setup a web server by yourself”

  1. Kasun Dananjaya October 3, 2010 at 8:36 am #

    Great Stuff bro…. I’m totally new to WEB.. But this makes me more intrested to it.. Keep it up..!! Brilliant stuff..!!

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